Definition Definition

Assumed similarity

Definition (1):

In assumed similarity, or the “like me” effect, the observer’s perception of others is influenced more by the observer’s own characteristics than by those of the person observed.

For example, if you want challenges and responsibility in your job, you’ll assume that others want the same. People who assume that others are like them can, of course, be right, but not always.

Definition (2):

Assumed similarity is a distortion of perceptions that may occur during assessment interviews. This happens when the assessor, attracted to the candidate, assumes incorrectly that the candidate shares characteristics similar to him- or herself.” The authoritative correlation found an important relationship between assumptions of similarity and attraction. Managers continuously assume the speaker as possessing social skills and communication styles similar to themselves. It includes positive as well as negative characteristics.

Definition (3):

The assumed similarity is the extent to which a perceiver views oneself; one views others the same manner. According to the social relations model, it is assessed by a correlation between the perceiver effect and self-perception. So, if James views others friendly, James does view himself as friendly.                                                      

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