Definition Definition

What Is Bill of Exchange? How Bill of Exchange Works and Examples

What Is a Bill of Exchange?

A bill of exchange is a written order that one party (the drawer) gives to another party (the drawee) to pay a specified amount of money to a third party (the payee) at a specific time or on demand. It is a legal instrument that transfers the obligation to pay from the drawee to the payer, and it can be transferred to other parties by endorsement.

Definition 2

A Bill of Exchange is an order written by the seller of goods instructing the purchaser to pay the seller (or bearer of the bill) a specified amount on a selected future date.

More Thorough Understanding of Bill of Exchange

The bill of exchange contains several crucial aspects, such as the names and addresses of the parties involved, the amount to be paid, the date of payment, and the payment conditions. Additional terms and conditions, such as interest rates and late payment penalties, may be included.

Bills of exchange are governed by a legal framework that defines the parties' rights and obligations. The governments control bills of exchange.

The government establishes uniform regulations for establishing, negotiating, and enforcing bills of exchange. It also specifies the roles of the various parties involved, such as the drawer, drawee, and payee.

How Bill of Exchange Works

A bill of exchange is a legal instrument used in international trade that permits one party to demand payment for a certain amount of money from another party at a specified time or on demand. The seller issues the bill of exchange to the buyer, stating the amount owing and the payment terms.

The buyer has the option of accepting or rejecting the bill. If accepted, the buyer is legally bound to pay the seller on or before the due date. If the measure is declined, it can be negotiated with a third party. The seller may present the bill to the buyer or endorsee for payment on the due date. 

If the bill is not paid, the seller may take legal action or utilize it to obtain funds from a bank.


Example 1

A business in the United States sells goods to a business in Japan. The Japanese company agrees upon a bill of exchange as payment for the goods. The US corporation issues the statement of exchange, which the Japanese company accepts and agrees to pay the US company on a set date.

Example 2

A government agency hires a contractor to supply goods or services. The contractor agrees to accept payment as a bill of exchange. The government agency issues the statement of exchange, which the contractor acknowledges and agrees to pay the government agency on a given date.

In Sentences

  • A bill of exchange is a legal document that is commonly used in international trade.
  • Bill of exchange  payment is for a specified amount of money at a specific time or on demand
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