Definition Definition

Other revenues and gains

Definition (1):

Other revenues and gains refer to a non-operating activities section of the income statement that shows revenues from auxiliary operations and gains unrelated to the company operations. These include the following:

Interest revenue from notes receivable and marketable securities.

Dividend revenue from investments in capital stock.

Rent revenue from subleasing a portion of the store.

Unearned revenues should be classified under this section on the income statement.

Gain from the property, plant, and equipment’s sale.

Definition (2):

Other revenues and gains indicate-“A list of the revenues earned or gains incurred generally net of related expenses, from non-operating transactions.”

Definition (3):

Other revenues and gains mean an income statement’s non-operating activities section showing revenues and gains not related to the chief line of operations of the company.

These revenues and gains are also referred to as non-operating revenues and gains. Because a business earns these revenues from sources outside of its central or main activities. Non-operating revenues are also called peripheral or incidental revenues. Non-operating gains often include the property, plant, and equipment’s disposal for a cash amount, greater than the book value or the carrying amount of the sold asset.  

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