Definition Definition

Role exit

Definition (1):

Role exit is the process of disengagement from a role that is central to one’s self-identity in order to establish a new role and identity.

Definition (2):

“When an individual stops engaging in a role previously central to their identity and begins the process of establishing a new identity.”

Definition (3):

This term is frequently used in sociology. It means the process of discontinuing a role that is truly vital to an individual’s self-identity, for taking up a new identity or role. In sociology, a role refers to a set of expected behaviors from individuals holding a specific status or position. For example, professors are not only expected to deliver lectures, but also to be concerned, dedicated, responsible, and honest.

Some examples of role exit are given below:

  • When a person retires from service after a successful and long career, s/he must have a transition from her/his role of service-holder with responsibilities and deadlines to a leisurely life.
  • When a person becomes a parent and needs to alter their lifestyle.

Use of the term in Sentence:

  • The professor is discussing role exit in the sociology class.
Category: Sociology
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