Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) is a nonlinear stochastic process, where the variance is time-varying, and a function of the
past variance. ARCH processes have frequency distributions which have high peaks at the mean and fat-tails, much like fractal
Heterosexuality Heterosexuality is a sexual preference for persons of the opposite sex.
Heterodox Economics Heterodox Economics are various schools of thought (including post-Keynesian, structuralist, Marxian, and institutionalist economics) which
Spirochete Spirochete is a helical bacterium which is flexible and has periplasnic flagella.
Heterocysts Heterocysts is the thick-walled cells formed by certain cyanobacteria. Heterocysts lank photosystem II but can fix molecular nitrogen.
Heterogamy Heterogamy is the conjugation of unlike gametes.
Heterologous Heterologous different with respect to type or species.
Heterophile antibody Heterophile antibody is an antibody that reacts with microorganisms of cells that are unrelated to the antigen that stimulated production of the
Heterophile antigen Heterophile antigen is an antigen that reacts with antibodies stimulated by unrelated species.