Signature Loan Signature Loan is the borrowed amount with a set rate for only a specified duration that is backed by the sign and requires no security.......
Signature Guarantee Signature Guarantee is a type of validation offered by a financial intermediary that checks the legality of a signature as well as the entire demand of the signatories.
Turnkey Property Turnkey Properties are completely functional units of rental properties, such as a bungalow, flat, or office tower, that are available to rent out right away.
Cross-culture Engaging with or comparing two dissimilar nations or cultural zones is referred to as Cross-culture. It involves acknowledging the existence of many societies and classes...
Turnkey Solutions A Turnkey Solution is a structure developed from start to finish for a consumer and can be readily linked into an existing business operation. It is available to use right away...
Territorial structure An organization structure in which units are divided on the basis of territory or geographical region.
Return on sales A profitability ratio that measures a firm’s ability to generate income; computed by dividing net income by net sales.
Product structure An organization structure in which a manager is placed in charge of and has responsibility for a product or product line.
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) refer the use of computers to change from one production process to another in order to produce
Res ipsa loquitur Res ipsa loquitur literally, “the thing speaks for itself.” Under this doctrine, the very fact that the event occurred establishes a