Definition Definition


Brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, that identifies the products or services of one seller or group of sellers and differentiates them from those of competitors. Consumers view a brand as an important part of a product, and branding can add value to product. Customers attach meaning to brands and develop brand relationships. Brands have meaning well beyond a product’s physical attributes. For example, consider Coca-Cola.

A brand is the set of attributes positive or negative- that people associate with a company. These attributes can be positive, such as trustworthy, innovative, dependable, or easy to deal with. Or they can be negative, such as cheap, unreliable, arrogant, or difficult to deal with. The customer loyalty a company creates through its brand is one of its most valuable assets. On a philosophical level, a firm builds a brand by having it create meaning in customers’ lives. It must create value. On a more practical level, brands are built through advertising, public relations, sponsorships, supporting social causes, and good performance. A firm's name, logo, Web site design, and even its letterhead are parts of its brand.

 A brand represents everything that aproduct or service means to consumers. as such, brands are valuable assets to a company.

Brand is the name, term, sign, symbol, design, or some combination that identifies the products of one firm and differentiates them from competitors’ offerings.

A name, sign, symbol, or design a company uses to distinguish its product from those of competitors, is called brand.


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