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Related Definitions
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Sales branch A manufacturer owned wholesaler that takes title to products, assumes the risks of owne4sip, resells the products, and provides
Bracket creep Bracket creep is the gradual movement into higher tax brackets when incomes
Split-brain technique Split-brain technique is a surgical technique for severing the connections between the brain hemispheres to relieve, for example, severe epileptic seizures. People who have undergone
Old brain Old brain is the most primitive part of the human brain which emerged earliest in the course of evolution. Situated below the cerebrum, it deals with reflex
Cerebral dominance Cerebral dominance is the tendency for one cerebral hemisphere or the other to be dominant in its regulation of behaviour-the left hemisphere in right-handed
Cerebral hemispheres Cerebral hemispheres are the two symmetrical left and right halves of the cerebrum. The right hemisphere controls the left side of the body, the left hemisphere the right side.
Brainwashing Brainwashing is an attempt to coerce someone into radically changing their beliefs or behaviour by using psychological manipulation. There is no good evidence that it can be done.
Brain waves Brain waves is the recorded rhythms of the electrical activity of the brain.
Brain Brain is the part of the central nervous system contained within the skull. It is the most complex and least understood part of the human body. Because of the brain's