- The whitish mass of soft matter (the center of the nervous
system, and the seat of consciousness and volition) which is inclosed
in the cartilaginous or bony cranium of vertebrate animals. It is
simply the anterior termination of the spinal cord, and is developed
from three embryonic vesicles, whose cavities are connected with the
central canal of the cord; the cavities of the vesicles become the
central cavities, or ventricles, and the walls thicken unequally and
become the three segments, the fore-, mid-, and hind-brain. - The anterior or cephalic ganglion in insects and other
invertebrates. - The organ or seat of intellect; hence, the understanding. - The affections; fancy; imagination.
2 . Brain
[ v. t.]
- To dash out the brains of; to kill by beating out the
brains. Hence, Fig.: To destroy; to put an end to; to defeat. - To conceive; to understand.
Meaning of 'Brain' (Princeton's WordNet)
1 . brain
[ n]
Meaning (1): - mental ability
Example in sentence:
he's got plenty of brains but no common sense
Meaning (2): - someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality
Example in sentence:
he's smart but he's no Einstein;
Mozart was a child genius
Meaning (3): - that which is responsible for one's thoughts, feelings, and conscious brain functions; the seat of the faculty of reason
Split-brain technique Split-brain technique is a surgical technique for severing the connections between the brain hemispheres to relieve, for example, severe epileptic seizures. People who have undergone
Old brain Old brain is the most primitive part of the human brain which emerged earliest in the course of evolution. Situated below the cerebrum, it deals with reflex
Brainwashing Brainwashing is an attempt to coerce someone into radically changing their beliefs or behaviour by using psychological manipulation. There is no good evidence that it can be done.
Brain waves Brain waves is the recorded rhythms of the electrical activity of the brain.
Brain Brain is the part of the central nervous system contained within the skull. It is the most complex and least understood part of the human body. Because of the brain's
Brain damage Brain damage is the any physical injury to the brain whether by accident, disease, drugs or surgery; usually results in impairment of behaviour and emotional disturbance.
Brain localisation Brain localisation is the controversial hypothesis that specific mental experiences or functions are associated with specific areas of the brain.
Brain potential Brain potential in brain physiology, the level of electrical activity in the brain.
Brain stimulation Brain stimulation is the electrical stimulation of certain parts of the brain in order to study their functions.
Brain Disorder Brain Disorder is the any abnormality in the brain that results in impaired functioning or thinking.