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Related Definitions
Barron's confidence index Barron's confidence index is an index measuring the ratio of the average yield on 10 top-grade bonds to the average yield on 10 intermediate-grade bonds. The discrepancy between high-rated top-grade bonds and low-rated bond yields establishes a measure
Fidelity bond Fidelity bond is an insurance policy that reimburses an employer for financial loss resulting from employee dishonesty.
Confidential Confidential refers to security classification that shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause damage ...
Confidentiality agreement Confidentiality agreement is a contract restricting an employee from disclosing confidential or proprietary information.
Bona fides Bona fides refer to
1. In personnel recovery, the use of verbal or visual communication by individuals who are unknown to one another, to establish their ...
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ) An employer can claim that the employment practice is a bona fide occupational qualification for performing the job. Title VІІ specifically permits this defense.