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Related Definitions
Rhetorical question Rhetorical question refers to a question that is not generally used with the expectation of receiving an answer, but with the intention of making a particular ...
Information superhighway Information superhighway refers to a network of networks that is fully scalable, with no central controlling entity, and does not determine the user’s ...
Biorhythms Biorhythms is the biological systems that have regularly recurring cycles. The best-known of these are the menstrual cycle and the circadian rhythms which are of particular interest to psychologists.
Beta rhythm Beta rhythm is the brain waves associated with mental activity rather than with resting. They appear as shallower and more frequent than those of the alpha phythm.
Alpha rhythm Alpha rhythm is the type of brain waves found in adults when they are resting. They have an average FREQUENCY of ten per second .
Overhead persistent infrared Overhead persistent infrared are those systems originally developed to detect and track foreign intercontinental ballistic missile systems. Also called OPIR.
Defended neighborhood Defended neighborhood is a neighborhood that residents identify through defined community borders and a perception that adjacent areas are
Airhead line Airhead line— a line denoting the limits of the objective area for an airborne assault.
Airhead Airhead refers to
1. A designated area in a hostile or potentially hostile operational area that, when seized and held, ensures the continuous air landing of troops and...
Single overhead camshaft (SOHC) Single overhead camshaft (SOHC) is an engine with one camshaft located in the upper portion of the cylinder head.