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Related Definitions
Net income before taxes Net income before taxes is the amount a firm earned from operations before state and federal income taxes are
Taxes Compulsory government levies collected to pay for public spending. There are many different types of taxes (income, corporate, sales,
Environmental Taxes Environmental Taxes are imposed on particular activities or products that are considered to be especially damaging to the environment
Direct taxes Direct taxes are taxes which affect the consumer directly, such as income tax, corporate tax, capital gains tax etc.
Indirect Taxes Indirect taxes are taxes, which are charged on goods produced, imported or exported: Excise and Customs duties
Reflexes A neonate is born with a number of reflexes – unlearned, involuntary responses that occur automatically in the presence of center stimuli.
State unemployment taxes State unemployment taxes refer to taxes that are imposed on the employer by states that provide benefits to employees who lose their jobs.
Income taxes Under the U.S. pay-as-you-go system of federal income taxes, employers are required to withhold income taxes from employees each pay period.
FICA Taxes In 1937 Congress enacted the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA). FICA taxes are designed to provide workers with supplemental retirement, employment disability...