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Related Definitions
Folie a deux Folie a deux means French term meaning 'insanity of two' referring to a delusion shared by two people, who usually live together.
Data dictionary Data dictionary is a component of a DBMS which is an electronic document that contains data definitions and data use for every piece of data in an ...
Data definition language (DDL) Data definition language (DDL) is a language that is used to create and describe the data and define the schema in a DBMS. It serves as an interface for ...
Define, create, and organize a database Define, create, and organize a database mean establish the logical relationships among different data elements in the database and define schemas and sub-schemas ...
Yield on a discount basis Yield on a discount basis is the measure of interest rates by which dealers in bill markets quote the interest rate on U.S. Treasury bills; formally defined in Equation.
Landing area diagram Landing area diagram— a graphic means of showing, for amphibious operations, the beach designations, boat lanes, organization of the line of departure ...
Area damage control Area damage control— measures taken before, during, or after hostile action or natural or manmade disasters, to reduce the probability of damage and minimize its effects.
Sola Draft Sola Draft is a single Bill of Exchange as distinguished from one in a set, the latter being marked as “First of Exchange” and the former “Sola of