Aiming post sleeve Aiming post sleeve— striped, tubelike bag that fits over a lifting bar so that the bar has the appearance of, and may be used as, an aiming post.
Aiming post light Aiming post light— light on an aiming post that serves as an aiming point during night survey or in night firing.
Aiming post Aiming post— striped rod used as an aiming point for a gun.
Aiming point Aiming point is an object or point on which the sight of a weapon is laid for direction, or on which an observer orients his observing instrument.
Aiming group Aiming group— pattern made on a surface by a series of pencil marks that test the ability of a soldier to sight a gun properly; shot group. The soldier ...
Aiming circle Aiming circle is an instrument for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. It is equipped with a magnetic needle so that magnetic azimuths can also be set ...
Aiming light Aiming light refers to the Light that serves as an aiming point.