Task force Task force is a component of a fleet, organized by the commander of a task fleet or higher authority for the accomplishment of a specific task ...
Special operations task force Special operations task force refers to a scalable unit, normally of battalion size, in charge of the special operations element, organized around the nucleus ...
Special operations joint task force Special operations joint task force refers to a modular, tailorable, and scalable special operations task force, designed to provide integrated, fully-capable ...
Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force refers to the network of regional task forces that coordinates federal law enforcement efforts to combat ...
Joint Task Force-Civil Support Joint Task Force-Civil Support refers to a standing joint task force, established to plan and integrate Department of Defense support to the designated lead ...
Joint task force Joint task force refers to a joint force that is constituted and so designated by the Secretary of Defense, a combatant commander, a subunified commander ...
Joint special operations task force Joint special operations task force refers to a joint task force that is composed of special operations units from more than one Service, formed to carry ...
Joint civil-military operations task force Joint civil-military operations task force is a joint task force which is composed of civil-military operations units from more than one Service. Also called JCMOTF.
Commander, amphibious task force Commander, amphibious task force refers to the Navy officer who is designated in the initiating directive as the commander of the amphibious task force. Also called CATF.