Binet, Alfred (1857-1911) Binet, Alfred (1857-1911) is a French psychologist who was asked by the Paris school system to find some way of predicting which children would not do well in
Binet scale Binet scale is a series of items invented by binet for predicting a child's performance in school. The items were arranged in order of difficulty and standardised by age.
Modified combined obstacle overlay Modified combined obstacle overlay refers to a joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment product, used to portray the militarily significant ...
Joint combined exchange training Joint combined exchange training refers to a program that is conducted overseas to fulfill United States forces training requirements and at the same ...
Combined arms team Combined arms team refers to the full integration and application of two or more arms or elements of one Service into an operation.
Combined Combined— a term identifying two or more forces or agencies of two or more allies operating together.
Combined fuel economy Combined fuel economy is the average number of miles a vehicle is able to travel using one gallon of fuel according to EPA simulated laboratory