Definition Definition

burlesque - Meaning and Examples

Meaning of 'burlesque' (Webster Dictionary)

1 . Burlesque [ a.]
- Tending to excite laughter or contempt by extravagant images, or by a contrast between the subject and the manner of treating it, as when a trifling subject is treated with mock gravity; jocular; ironical.
2 . Burlesque [ n.]
- Ludicrous representation; exaggerated parody; grotesque satire.
- An ironical or satirical composition intended to excite laughter, or to ridicule anything.
- A ludicrous imitation; a caricature; a travesty; a gross perversion.
3 . Burlesque [ v. i.]
- To employ burlesque.
4 . Burlesque [ v. t.]
- To ridicule, or to make ludicrous by grotesque representation in action or in language.

Meaning of 'burlesque' (Princeton's WordNet)

1 . burlesque [ v]
Meaning (1):
- make a parody of
Example in sentence:
  • The students spoofed the teachers
2 . burlesque [ a]
Meaning (2):
- relating to or characteristic of a burlesque
Example in sentence:
  • burlesque theater