Difference the top-down and bottom-up approaches The top-down valuation process begins by examining the influences of the general economy on all firms and the security markets. The next step is to ...
Endowment insurance Endowment insurance is a type of life insurance that pays the face amount of insurance to the beneficiary if the insured dies within a
Equipment breakdown insurance Equipment breakdown insurance is an insurance that covers losses due to accidental breakdown of covered equipment.
Average down Average down is a strategy used by investors to reduce the average cost of shares, in which the investor purchases more shares with a fixed amount of capital as the price of the shares decrease. The investor receives more shares per dollar and decreases the average
Nervous breakdown Nervous breakdown is the popular term for a neurosis severe enough to incapacitate an individual and require hospital treatment.
Down's Syndrome Down's Syndrome is a form of congenital mental retardation which is due to a genetic abnormality. It is accompanied by certain facial characteristics
Top-Down Programs Top-Down Programs are communications activities including in-house television centers, frequent roundtable discussions, and in-house newsletters that provide continuing opportunities for the firm to let all employees be updated on important matter regarding the firm.
Daughter window Daughter window eparate window that overlays the current browser window and contains content or advertisements. Sometimes called pop-up window.
Endowment Endowment refers life insurance that combines the characteristics of savings and insurance: the policyholder collects a stated sum if he or she is living when the policy matures. The beneficiary receives the amount the endowment was intended to accumulate (the face value) if the policyholder dies before the policy is fully paid.