Straight deductible Straight deductible in an insurance contract by which the insured must pay a certain number of dollars of loss before the insurer is required
High-deductible health plan (HDHP) High-deductible health plan (HDHP) is a consumer-directed health plan that consists of major medical health insurance with a high deductible
Calendar-year deductible Calendar-year deductible is an amount payable by an insured during a calendar year before a group or individual health insurance policy
Aggregate deductible Deductible in some property and health insurance contracts in which all covered losses during a year are added together and the insurer
Deductible Expense Deductible expense is an expense that the taxpayer uses to reduce taxable income before the tax rate is applied.
Deductible Deductible is the amount of costs you pay after an accident. Once you’ve paid the deductible, the insurance company pays the rest of