Kent-Rosanoff test Kent-Rosanoff test is a free association test of 100 words together with a standardized list of the relative frequency of people's responses to them.
Client-server system Client-server system is a distributed system in which a server, such as mainframe, stores commonly used data and programs. The client, usually a PC or a ...
Client-centered therapy Client-centered therapy is a form of psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers which is based on an unconditional acceptance and regard for the client. The client
Component-owned container Component-owned container— a 20- or 40-foot International Organization for Standardization container procured and owned by a single Department of Defense component.
Employment-at-will Employment-at-will is a legal doctrine that states that an employment relationship may be terminated by the employer or employee at any time and for any or no reason.
Client-based multivendor solution When multiple redirectors are loaded on a client, the client can communicate with servers from different vendors, is called Client-based
Opponent-process theory of color vision According to the opponent-process theory of color vision is the theory that receptor cells for color are linked in pairs, working in opposition to
Intent-to-use trademark application Intent-to-use trademark application is an application based on the applicant’s intention to use a trademark. Once this application is filed...
Percent-of-sales Method Percent-of-sales method is a method for expressing each expense item as a percentage of sales. For example, in the case of new Venture Fitness Drinks, its cost...