Survival, evasion, resistance, and escape Survival, evasion, resistance, and escape— Actions performed by isolated personnel designed to ensure their health, mobility, safety, and honor in ...
Evasion plan of action Evasion plan of action is a course of action, developed prior to executing a combat mission, that is intended to improve a potential isolated person’s chances ...
Evasion chart Evasion chart is a special map or chart which is designed as an evasion aid. Also called EVC.
Evasion aid Evasion aid— in personnel recovery, refers to any piece of information or equipment that is designed to assist an individual in avoiding capture.
Evasion Evasion is the process whereby isolated personnel avoid capture with the goal of successfully returning to areas under friendly control.
Tax Evasion Tax Evasion is the purposeful avoidance of a genuine tax burden by a person or company. It is fraudulent or illegal arrangements made with the intention of avoiding tax payments.