Reverse Mortgages Reverse Mortgage is basically a mortgage loan that enables homeowners to borrow money from lenders against the equity of their home.
Reverse auction Reverse auction refers to allows individual buyers to enter the price they will pay for particular items at eh purchasing agent’s web site, and sellers can agree or not.
Reverse causation Reverse causation is a situation in which one variable is said to cause another variable, when in reality the reverse is true.
Reverse repo Reverse repo is an arrangement whereby the Fed sells securities and the buyer agrees to sell them bank to the Fed in the near future; sometimes called a reserve repo.
Reverse transactions Reverse transactions is the purchase or sale of eligible assets by the European Central Bank under repurchase agreements or credit
Reverse tilt mirrors Reverse tilt mirrors are power sideview mirrors that tilt down when a vehicle is in reverse in order to aid the driver in parallel parking.
Reverse transcriptase Reverse transcriptase is an enzyme for the synthesis of a DNA molecule using RNA as a template.
Reverse Discrimination Claim that due to affirmative action quota systems, white males are discriminated against.