Fundamental forecasting Fundamental forecasting— forecasting based on fundamental relationships between economic variables and exchange rates.
Market fundamentals Market fundamentals are the items that have a direct impact on future income streams of a security.
Fundamental innovation Fundamental innovation is an idea, invention, or discovery that is truly revolutionary in nature such that it stimulates many other innovations or
Fundamentalism Fundamentalism is a commitment to and belief in the literal meanings of scriptural texts.
Fundamentals of Balance of payments Accounting The BOP must balance. If it does not, something has not been counted or has been counted improperly. It is therefore incorrect to state that BOP is in disequilibrium.
Fundamental principles of auditing By fundamental principles of auditing we mean the chief rule and principles according to which the books of account of a business
Fundamental attribution error Fundamental attribution error is the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal