Auto-Regressive (AR) Auto-Regressive (AR) is a stationary stochastic process where the current value of the time series is related to the past p values, where p is any integer, is called an AR(p) process. When the current value is related to the previous two values, it is an AR(2) process. An AR(1)
Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) is a nonlinear stochastic process, where the variance is time-varying, and a function of the
past variance. ARCH processes have frequency distributions which have high peaks at the mean and fat-tails, much like fractal
Regression Regression is a return to an earlier form of behavior; in psychoanalysis it is a defense mechanism where a person seeks to deal with anxiety and avoid unconscious
passive-aggressive personality A passive-aggressive personality is a person who expresses anger and hostility by oscillating between extreme dependence on, and extreme aggression towards, other people
Aggressive Growth Hedge Fund Aggressive Growth Hedge Fund is in the context of hedge funds, a style of management that focuses primarily on equities
Aggressive growth mutual fund Aggressive growth mutual fund is a mutual fund designed for maximum capital appreciation that places its money in
Aggressively Aggressively used in context of general equities. For a customer it means working to buy or sell one's stock, with an emphasis
Regression coefficient Regression coefficient— term measured by regression analysis to estimate the sensitivity of the dependent variable to a particular independent variable.