Psychokinesis In parapsychology, the supposed ability to move objects and affect the physical environment purely by the power of the mind is called psychokinesis.
Parakinesis Parakinesis is a term used in parapsychology to describe what appears to be the movement of objects by unknown powers.
Autokinetic effect Autokinetic effect is the illusion that a small spot of light seen in a totally dark room is slowly moving about. It disappears when the light is seen in relation to the room.
Wage-price stickiness Wage-price stickiness when a source of rigidity prevents wages from responding fully to changes in the expected price level.
Kinesic communication Kinesic communication can be defined as communication through body language.
Ookinete Ookinete is the elongated mobile zygote of certain sporozoa, as that of a malarial parasite.
Cytokine sis Cytokine sis is the division of the cytoplasm following nuclear division.
Akinetes Akinetes thick-walled single celled nonmotile asexual resting spores formed by the thickening of the parent cell wall; formed by some