Work psychology Work psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with the world of work. It includes selection, training, job satisfaction, the environment, the organization, human
Thanatology Thanatology comes from thanatos, Freud 'S term for the death force; the study of the way people deal with death and dying.
Topological psychology Topological psychology is a form of field theory focusing on the interaction between an individual and his life space. Proposed by Kurt Lewin.
Teleology Teleology as used in psychology, the study of psychological phenomena with the assumption that they have some goal or purpose, and the search for that goal or purpose.
Social anthropology Social anthropology is the study of social systems and cultures in different societies, particularly non-literate societies.
Psychopathology Psychopathology is the pathology of the psyche. The study of psychological disturbances and their origins.
Psychopharmacology The study of the effects of drugs on psychological functioning is called psychopharmacology.
Phrenology Phrenology refers to the belief, first proposed in the eighteenth century, that intellectual abilities could be divined by studying bumps found on the skull. The assumption was
Physiological psychology Physiological psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with the physiological processes underlying behaviour.
Paleopsychology Paleopsychology is the study of psychological processes supposedly left over from an earlier stage of human evolution