Tactical obstacles Tactical obstacles are those obstacles that are employed to disrupt enemy formations, to turn them into a desired area, to fix them in position under direct ...
Reserved obstacles Reserved obstacles are those demolition obstacles that are deemed critical to the plan for which the authority to detonate is reserved by the designating commander.
Reinforcing obstacles Reinforcing obstacles are those obstacles specifically constructed, emplaced, or detonated through military effort and designed to strengthen existing ...
Obstacle zone Obstacle zone is a division-level command and control measure, normally done graphically, to designate specific land areas where lower echelons are allowed to employ tactical obstacles.
Obstacle restricted areas Obstacle restricted areas— a command and control measure used to limit the type or number of obstacles within an area.
Obstacle intelligence Obstacle intelligence— Those collection efforts to detect the presence of enemy and natural obstacles, determine their types and dimensions, and provide ...
Obstacle belt Obstacle belt is a brigade-level command and control measure, normally given graphically, to show where within an obstacle zone the ground tactical ...
Obstacle Obstacle refers to any natural or man-made obstruction, designed or employed to disrupt, fix, turn, or block the movement of an opposing force, and to ...
Modified combined obstacle overlay Modified combined obstacle overlay refers to a joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment product, used to portray the militarily significant ...
Barrier, obstacle, and mine warfare plan Barrier, obstacle, and mine warfare plan refers to a comprehensive, coordinated plan that includes responsibilities; general location of unspecified and specific barriers ...