Operating employees The non managers in an organization, who perform specific tasks and usually manufacture a product or provide a service for customers.
Operating liability VS Financial liability An operating liability is an obligation incurred in producing goods and services for customers. A financial liability is an obligation incurred in raising cash to finance operations.
Operating asset VS Financial asset An operating asset is used to produce goods or services to sell to customers in operations. A financing asset is used for storing excess cash to be reinvested in ..
What drives net operating assets? Net operating assets are increased by earnings from operations and reduced by free cash flow. Expanding, net operating assets are increased by operating ..
Operating profit margin reveal The operating profit margin is the profitability of sales, the percentage of a dollar of sales that ends up in operating income after operating expenses.
Annual fund operating expenses Annual fund operating expenses refers for investment companies, the management fee and "other expenses," including the expenses for maintaining shareholder records, providing shareholders with financial statements, and providing custodial and accounting services. For
Submarine operating authority Submarine operating authority refers to the naval commander exercising operational control of submarines. Also called SUBOPAUTH.
Standard operating procedure Standard operating procedure refers to a set of instructions applicable to those features of operations that lend themselves to a definite or standardized ...
Operating risk Operating risk is the danger of loss due to fluctuating earnings and cash flows from a bank’s business operations.
Signal operating instructions Signal operating instructions refer to a series of orders, issued for technical control and coordination of the signal communication activities of a ...