- The male of bovine quadrupeds, especially the domestic animal
when castrated and grown to its full size, or nearly so. The word is
also applied, as a general name, to any species of bovine animals, male
and female.
Box Spread A Box Spread is an alternative trading strategy that involves buying a bull call spread and a bear put spread simultaneously. It is made up of two vertical spreads...
Proximate cause Proximate cause is factor causing damage to property for which there is an unbroken chain of events between the occurrence of an insured
Box Box is the actual physical location at a brokerage house or bank where securities or other documents are stored for safekeeping.
Skinner box Skinner box is the name given to the apparatus used by B.F.Skinner in his studies of operant conditioning. The box must have some mechanism, like a bar or lever
Proximodistal Proximodistal means 'close-distant'. Usually refers to the process of maturation in humans and animals where the sequence of physical development proceeds from the centre of the body towards the periphery.
Paradoxical sleep Paradoxical sleep is a stage of sleep during which there is a great deal of electrical activity in the brain while the muscles are very relaxed and the sleeper is difficult
Black box Black box is the used in scientific theorising to indicate something that seems to work though nobody knows how it works or what goes on inside the 'box' .It is often
Proxy Proxy is a document that expresses a stockholder’s voting intentions on corporate matters when he or she cannot attend the annual meeting.
Proxy server caching Proxy server caching is the process that occurs when users access copies of web sites rather than the site itself. Users accessing web sites
Toxic industrial radiological Toxic industrial radiological refers to any radiological material that is manufactured, used, transported, or stored by industrial, medical, or ...