- A prefix used to signify through, throughout, by, for, or as an
intensive as perhaps, by hap or chance; perennial, that lasts
throughout the year; perforce, through or by force; perfoliate,
perforate; perspicuous, evident throughout or very evident; perplex,
literally, to entangle very much. - Originally, denoting that the element to the name of which it
is prefixed in the respective compounds exercised its highest valence;
now, only that the element has a higher valence than in other similar
compounds; thus, barium peroxide is the highest oxide of barium; while
nitrogen and manganese peroxides, so-called, are not the highest oxides
of those elements.
Paper-and-pencil Paper-and-pencil test refers to any kind of test or projective technique that requires written answers.
Secure Hyper-text Transport Protocol (HTTPs) Secure Hyper-text Transport Protocol (S-HTTP) refers to an extension of HTTP that provides communication and transaction security for Web clients and servers.
Cost-per-hire Cost-per-hire is the direct and indirect costs that are calculated to measure the costs associated with filling a vacancy. Direct costs include, but are not limited to
Hyper-Inflation Hyper-Inflation is a situation of extremely rapid inflation (reaching 100% per year or more), often resulting from a condition of economic or political