Gamma Squeeze A Gamma Squeeze is similar to a short squeeze in which it forces extra stock-buying activity owing to open possible alternative holdings on the underlying asset.
Cumulative frequency A Cumulative Frequency method of grouping the frequencies of the value of a set of variables by adding the frequencies...
Rhetorical question Rhetorical question refers to a question that is not generally used with the expectation of receiving an answer, but with the intention of making a particular ...
Loss frequency Loss frequency means the probable number of losses that may occur during some given time period.
Consequential loss Consequential loss means financial loss occurring as the consequence of some other loss. Consequential loss often called an indirect loss.
Boutique Boutique is a small, specialized brokerage firm that offers limited services and products
Split-brain technique Split-brain technique is a surgical technique for severing the connections between the brain hemispheres to relieve, for example, severe epileptic seizures. People who have undergone
Queuing Sometimes used to describe a way of dealing with sensory overload in which all the stimuli but one are put 'on hold ' until that one has been processed, as known queuing.
Projective technique A projective technique refers to procedures for uncovering a person's unconscious motivations, anxieties and conflicts. Like the Rorschach or the TAT they