Severability Clauses Severability Clauses are contractual terms stating that every component of the agreement is separate from the others........
Industry Life Cycle Industry Life Cycle represents the life rotations of a corporation in a field from start to finish. It depicts how the company can enter the market and expand, including its ...
Online Business Any form of business transaction that occurs through the internet is considered an Online Business. A businessman who sells things over the Internet has an online business...
Sustainable Growth Rate Sustainable Growth Rate relates to the greatest pace of development that a firm can maintain without finding new financing by stock or debt to fund its expansion.
Land Trust Land Trust is a legally valid trust contract between a homeowner and an administrator that allows the administrator to manage the asset...
Exculpatory Clause The clause in a contract that prevents one entity from liabilities is known as an Exculpatory Clause. It is a contract that protects one entity from being punished...
Habendum Clause The Habendum Clause is a provision in deeds or rental agreements that specifies the lessee privileges, sorts of interests, as well as other legal characteristics.
Grantor Trust Grantor Trust is a form of trust that permits the grantor to have control over one or more of the trust's authority. As a result, the money in the trust is taxed to the grantor.
Alienation Clause Alienation Clause is a property investment contract that asks a debtor to pay off the remainder of their mortgage loan during the trade or business...
Core Plus Core Plus is a type of investment that increases the portfolio’s average profit while minimizing risk when added to a diversified portfolio's significant assets.