Definition (1):
A corporate campaign is an organized effort by the union that exerts pressure on the corporation by pressuring the company’s other unions, shareholders, corporate directors, customers, creditors, and government agencies, often directly. Thus the union may surprise each member of the board of directors by picketing in front of their homes and organizing a boycott of the banks of the company.
Definition (2):
A corporate campaign refers to a union’s attack on a firm or company or industry with the motive of putting greater pressure on the target so that it will agree to fulfill the union’s demands. These attacks are sometimes, long-running and multi-pronged. Unions have invested so much money and so many years to such campaigns, and thus they have become more coordinated and sophisticated over the years. The general union philosophy to launch this kind of campaign is costing an employer so much money and time and causing it so much trouble that it finally agrees to fulfill the union’s wants.
The most common motive of a corporate campaign is to promote union organizing, sometimes by compelling an employer to accept a card-check agreement with neutrality commitments. These campaigns are vastly known as a way of organizing workers by disorganizing firms or companies.