Definition Definition

Likert scale

The Likert Scale is a technique developed by the American social scientist, Rensis Likert, for constructing attitude measures where the subject indicates on a four, five or nine-point scale whether s/he agrees or disagrees with a particular statement.

It is a symmetric agreement-disagreement or like-dislike scale with psychometric properties that can measure the opinion of the respondents in any matter. Most companies use the Likert scale nowadays to survey customer satisfaction and it is even more popular for online surveys trying to determine the likes and dislikes of the user taking it.

Types of Likert Scale 

Three types of Likert scale are the most popular and they are -

  1. Four-points
  2. Five-points
  3. Seven-points

For example, an IT firm going completely paperless may ask their customers if they agree with the changes they are making keeping the environment in mind and they may choose the five points below to survey customer opinions -  

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

An internet service provider may ask their existing customers how much they are enjoying their broadband connection using the seven points below - 

  • Very Good
  • Good
  • Okay
  • So-so
  • Not-so-good
  • Bad
  • Very Bad


Use of the Term in Sentences

  • The customers are opting out of the survey; we need to make our Likert Scale more fun and engaging.
  • Most dedicated service providers take customer satisfaction surveys very seriously and there is hardly a better option than Likert Scale ones.


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