Definition (1):
A technique of entrepreneurs to help prioritize their hiring needs is to maintain a skills profile.
Definition (2):
A skills profile refers to a chart that shows the most significant skills that are required and where skills gaps exist. Along with depicting where a firm’s most important skills gaps exist, this profile should explain how current skills gaps are being dealt with. For example, two of New Venture Fitness Drink’s skills gaps are being covered (on a short-term basis) by members of the board of advisers and the third skills gap does not need to be filled until the firm initiates a franchising program, which is still three to five years in the future.
Definition (3):
Often it becomes tough for the top managers to find the time for working out what skills development their organization’s staff need, or how to prioritize their training. A skills profile makes things simpler and easier for them by taking them through a step-by-step process in only a few minutes.
Use of the term in Sentence:
- The chairman of the company has asked the human resource manager to prepare a complete skills profile.