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Related Definitions
Exponential Growth Exponential Growth is the rapid growth in relation to the growing total number with the passage of time.
Consequential loss Consequential loss means financial loss occurring as the consequence of some other loss. Consequential loss often called an indirect loss.
Senile dementia Senile dementia is the name given to dementia found in old people whose symptoms are often referred to as ‘senility’. It is a degenerative condition
semantic differential A technique developed by the American psychologist Charles Osgood for assessing the way in which the same words or ideas are understood by different people
Evoked potential Evoked potential is an electrical discharge in the brain produced by the stimulation of a sense organ.
Indexed-sequential file Indexed-sequential file refers to a file in which data are stored in a sequence (similar to the sequential method), but in addition an index is created that ...
Sequential file organization Sequential file organization means the use of unique keys to sequentially store the contents of a file in the same sequence in which they were collected.
Structured Sequential Structured Sequential Interview is an interview in which the applicant is interviewed sequentially by several supervisors and each rates the applicant on a standard form.
Brain potential Brain potential in brain physiology, the level of electrical activity in the brain.
Dementia Dementia is a condition of declining mental abilities, especially memory. Individuals with dementia may have trouble doing things they