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Related Definitions
Executive information system (EIS) Executive information system (EIS) refers a user-friendly decision support system designed for executives that requires little computer
Affirmative action program Affirmative action program begun and carried out by a business to increase the number of women minorities, and handicapped
Risk Management Information System Risk management information system (RMIS) is a computerized data base that permits the risk manager to store and analyze risk
Information systems Information systems allows use of computer technology in the processing and storage of information and elimination of many routine tasks.
Reaction formation In psychoanalysis, a defense mechanism where a person deals with unconscious drives that he finds threatening by reacting consciously in the opposite direction is called reaction formation
Psychopharmacology The study of the effects of drugs on psychological functioning is called psychopharmacology.
Paranormal Paranormal which psychological events that do not seem to be explicable by known scientific principles; the subject matter of parapsychology.
AIMR Performance Presentation Standards Implementation Committee AIMR Performance Presentation Standards Implementation Committee is the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) Performance Presentation Standards Implementation Committee is charged with the responsibility to interpret, revise, and update the AIMR Performance Presentation Standards (AIMR-PPS(TM) for portfolio
Normative influence In sociology, normative influence is the process in which other people's anticipated judgments of right and wrong influence someone’s behaviour.