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Mello-Roos Mello-Roos is a specific tax levied on residents in some areas to finance bonds that maintain the group's facilities. Based on where you go in California, USA for a property hunt...
Warehouse showroom Retail stores with sizable inventories housed in large buildings and dealing in volume while providing limited service.
Catalog showroom Catalog showroom allows a showroom, similar to a warehouse showroom that also has catalogs available to customers in the store,
Board room Board room is a room at a brokerage firm where its clients can watch an electronic board displaying stock prices and transactions. Also refers to the room where Board of
Boiler room Boiler room used to describe place or operation in which unscrupulous salespeople call and try to sell people speculative, even fraudulent,
Rooting reflex Rooting reflex is the automatic response of an infant to having his cheek stroked; turning his head and opening his mouth.
Chat room Chat room is the virtual space where internet users can communicate in real time using special software.
Classroom training Classroom training means training conducted away from the pressures of the work environment.
Troop space cargo Troop space cargo refers to the cargo such as sea or barracks bags, bedding rolls or hammocks, locker trunks, and office equipment, normally stowed in ...
Proof Proof— To verify that a breached lane is free of live mines by passing a mine roller or other mine-resistant vehicle through as the lead vehicle.