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Related Definitions
Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism refers to excessive secretions by the thyroid gland that seems to cause heightened activity and excitement.
Secure Hyper-text Transport Protocol (HTTPs) Secure Hyper-text Transport Protocol (S-HTTP) refers to an extension of HTTP that provides communication and transaction security for Web clients and servers.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a simple coding system used to format documents for viewing by web clients. Web pages are written in this standard specification.
Hypertext Hypertext generally, any text on a web page that contains links to other documents words or phases in a document that can be chosen by a user and that cause another document to be retrieved or displayed.
Hypermarket Hypermarket is a gigantic discount retail complex that combines the features of supermarkets, department stores, and specialty stores under one roof.
Hyperconsumption Hyperconsumption is the consumption of goods and services to the point of abnormal excess.
Hyperindustrialism Hyperindustrialism is a societal condition in which virtually all social institutions (government, family, education) have adapted to the demands of the industrial
Hyperinflation Hyperinflation is the economic situation characterized by soaring prices.
Hyperspectral imagery Hyperspectral imagery— term used to describe the imagery derived from subdividing the electromagnetic spectrum into very narrow bandwidths allowing images ...