After acquired clause After acquired clause is a contractual clause in a mortgage agreement stating that any additional mortgageable property attained by the borrower after the mortgage is signed will be regarded as additional security for the obligation addressed in
After-tax basis After-tax basis is the comparison basis used to analyze the net after-tax returns on a corporate taxable bond and a municipal
Taft-Hartley Act Taft-Hartley Act also known as the Labor Management Relations Act, this law prohibited union unfair labor practices and enumerated the rights of employees
Figural after-effect Figural after-effect is the perceptual distortion that appears when a second pattern is looked at after a first that is different. The same relationships between
After-image After-image is a visual impression that persists after the stimulus has been removed, e.g. when the eyes are closed after looking at a bright light.
Labor-Management Relations Act (Taft-Hartley Act) of 1947 Labor-Management Relations Act (Taft-Hartley Act) of 1947 is a federal law that permits the president of the United States to seek an 80-day injunction to delay a strike or lockout if evidence suggests that the strike would” imperil the national health and safety” declares the following union activities to be unfair labor practices: (1) closed shops and secondary boycotts, (2) featherbedding and (3) refusal to bargain in good faith: empowers states to pass “right to –work” laws.
Draft Draft is an instrument completed by a creditor ordering a debtor to pay a specific sum of money.
Accessory (aircraft) Accessory (aircraft) refers to a mechanism or device employed in conjunction with a major item of equipment or installed as part of a system.
Unmanned aircraft system Unmanned aircraft system is that system whose components include the necessary equipment, network, and personnel to control an unmanned aircraft.
Unmanned aircraft Unmanned aircraft is an aircraft that does not carry a human operator and is capable of flight with or without human remote control. Also called UA.