Ledger Balance Ledger Balance is the starting amount mostly in a bank account the following day that remains constant throughout the day. A bank computes a ledger bill at the end of every working day...
Scalar principle Scalar principle is the principle of organization that authority and responsibility should flow in a clear, unbroken line from the highest to
Average daily balance Average daily balance is a method for calculating interest in which the balance owed each day by a customer is divided by the number of
Mandala In Jung's theories, mandala is a magic circle that represents the striving for total unity of the self. The idea conies from symbols of the cosmos found in different cultures.
Adjusted balance method Adjusted balance method is a method of calculating finance charges that uses the account balance remaining after adjusting for all transactions posted during the given billing
Adjusted debit balance (ADB) Adjusted debit balance (ADB) is the account balance for a margin account that is calculated by combining the balance owed to a broker with any outstanding balance in the special
Trade balance Trade balance is the difference between merchandise exports and imports.
Salary Salary is the pay calculated on a periodic basis, such as weekly or monthly.
Balance on goods and services Balance on goods and services— balance of trade, plus the net amount of payments of interest and dividends to foreign investors and from investment, as ...
Nonbalance Nonbalance in Newcomb’s theory, the indifferent emotional state that results when two people dislike each other and don’t care whether they