- Large; great in size, extent, capacity, or bulk; spacious;
roomy; widely extended. - Fully sufficient; abundant; liberal; copious; as, an ample
fortune; ample justice. - Not contracted of brief; not concise; extended; diffusive;
as, an ample narrative.
Meaning of 'ample' (Princeton's WordNet)
1 . ample
[ a]
Meaning (1): - more than enough in size or scope or capacity
Cluster Sample Cluster Sample is the portion of the population under research that is grouped together to split a large number of samples into smaller groups called clusters based on their similarity.
Stratified sample Stratified sample is a frequently used technique for mass polling. It involves the division of a population into subgroups and taking a random sample of each subgroup.
Representative sample Representative sample is a sample that is intended to be completely representative of the population from which it is drawn.
Biased sample Biased sample is the term used in social surveys or any area where a conclusion is to be made about a large population. The sample of the population being studied
Stratified random sample Stratified random sample is one that divides the universe into subcategories, or strata, according to one or more characteristics and chooses randomly from within the strata being examined.
Probability sample Probability sample is a sample selected in such a way that each item or person in the population being studied has an equal likelihood of being included in the sample.
Random sample Random sample is a sample for which every member of an entire population has the same chance of being selected.
Sample Sample is a selection from a larger population that is statistically representative of that population.
Working Sample Technique Working sample technique is a method to predict job performance by requiring job candidates to perform one or more samples of the job’s basic tasks.