Quick Assets Assets that have been used or converted into liquidity in under almost a year business process are known as Quick Assets. Liquid money, receivable accounts, marketable...
Operating asset VS Financial asset An operating asset is used to produce goods or services to sell to customers in operations. A financing asset is used for storing excess cash to be reinvested in ..
What drives net operating assets? Net operating assets are increased by earnings from operations and reduced by free cash flow. Expanding, net operating assets are increased by operating ..
Asset play Asset play is a company with assets that are not believed to be accurately reflected in its stock price, making it an attractive buy or
Asset pricing model Asset pricing model is a model for determining the required or expected rate of
Asset stripper Asset stripper is a corporate raider (company A) that takes over a target company (company B) in order to sell large assets of company B to repay debt.
Company A calculates that the net selling of the assets and paying off
Asset substitution Asset substitution occurs when a firm invests in assets that are riskier than those that the
Asset substitution problem Asset substitution problem arises when the stockholders substitute riskier assets for the firm's existing assets and expropriate value from
Asset swap Asset swap is an interest rate swap used to alter the cash flow characteristics of an institution's assets in order to provide a better
Asset value Asset value is the net market value of a corporation's assets on a per-share basis, not the market value of the shares. A company is undervalued in the market when asset value