- A professional poet and singer, as among the ancient Celts,
whose occupation was to compose and sing verses in honor of the heroic
achievements of princes and brave men. - Hence: A poet; as, the bard of Avon. - Alt. of Barde - The exterior covering of the trunk and branches of a tree;
the rind. - Specifically, Peruvian bark.
2 . Bard
[ v. t.]
- To cover (meat or game) with a thin slice of fat bacon.
Bard-Cannon theory Bard-Cannon theory is a neurological theory of emotion which proposes that stimuli from the environment trigger off responses in the hypothalamus which alert
Cannon-Bard Theory Cannon-Bard Theory is the theory of emotion suggesting that various stimuli elicit both physiological reactions and the subjective reactions we
Cannon-bard theory of emotion Cannon-bard theory of emotion means the belief that both physiological arousal and emotional experience are produced simultaneously by the