Commercial package policy (CPP) Commercial package policy (CPP) is a commercial policy that can be designed to meet the specific insurance needs of business firms. Property and liability coverage forms are combined to form a single
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a comprehensive body of business law that encompasses various kinds of transactions.
Commercial finance company Commercial finance company is a firm that makes cash loans to business borrowers, securing the loans by such assets as trade credit accounts, inventory, or equipment.
Discounting commercial notes Discounting commercial notes is the process of making to local merchants who use IOUs received from their customers as collateral to borrow from a bank.
Eurocommercial paper (ECP) Eurocommercial paper (ECP) is the short-term notes issued by multinational corporations and sold to investors in one or more
Commercial and industrial loans Commercial and industrial loans is the credit granted to business to help cover purchases of inventory, plant, and equipment and to meet other operating expenses.
Commercial paper market Commercial paper market is the market where short-term notes with maturities ranging from three or four days to nine months are traded,
Commercial risk Commercial risk— in banking, the likelihood that a foreign debtor will be unable to repay its debts because of business (as distinct from political) events.
Euro-Commercial paper (ECP) Euro-Commercial paper (ECP), like commercial paper issued in domestic markets around the world, is a short-term debt obligation of a corporation or bank.
Uniform Commercial Code Uniform Commercial Code is the basis of U.S. business law; referred to as UCC.