Pregnancy Discrimination Act Pregnancy Discrimination Act is an amendment to title VII of the Civil Rights Act that prohibits sex discrimination based on "pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions." It requires employers to provide benefits -including sick leave and disability benefits and health and medical insurance - the same as for any employee not able to work because of disability.
Price discrimination Price discrimination occurs when a company sells a product or service at two or more prices that do not reflect a proportional difference in costs. In first-degree ...
Antidiscrimination laws Antidiscrimination laws is the laws that prevent the grouping of loan customers into categories according to their age, sex, race, national
Age discrimination Age discrimination is the differential treatment of people based solely on their age.
Institutional discrimination Institutional discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that result from the normal operations of a society.
Systemic discrimination Systemic discrimination is a pattern of discrimination that on the surface appears neutral but in reality is systemic or through its application of policies and practices.
Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) of 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) of 1978 is an amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination on the basis of pregnancy,
Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 is the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination against individuals based on sex or marital status in areas of employment
Sex discrimination Sex discrimination can be defined as discriminatory conduct or actions based on sex or pregnancy, as it relates to conditions of employment, benefits, pay and opportunities for advancement.
Intersectional discrimination Intersectional discrimination refers to discrimination not just because of one protected trait (e.g., race), but also because of the intersection of two or more