Procedural knowledge Procedural knowledge is practical knowledge. A conscious 'knowing how ' to do something.
Duration time Duration time is the length of time between two events, such as successive requests to one or more web pages or visits to a given web site.
Nonprocedural language Nonprocedural language is a kind of computer programming language that focuses on what needs to be done, without specifying exactly how it is should be done.
Procedural language Procedural language is a kind of computer programming language that explains in a step-by-step sequence how a given task should be accomplished.
Lowball Procedure Lowball Procedure is a technique for gaining compliance in which an offer or deal is changed to make it less attractive to the target person
Durability Durability refers to a measure of the product’s expected operating life under natural or stressful conditions, is valued attribute for vehicles, kitchen appliances ...
Standard operating procedure Standard operating procedure refers to a set of instructions applicable to those features of operations that lend themselves to a definite or standardized ...
Duration gap Duration gap is the difference between the duration of a bank’s assets and the duration of its liabilities.
Render safe procedures Render safe procedures refer to the portion of the explosive ordnance disposal procedures, involving the application of special explosive ordnance disposal ...
Duration analysis Duration analysis is a measurement of the sensitivity of the market value of a bank’s assets and liabilities to changes in interest rates.