Standard Deduction A Standard Deduction is a defined amount of money that taxpayers may utilize to lower their tax liability. They have the option of taking the deduction or itemizing it.
Risk reduction A risk management strategy of using loss prevention programs and other management programs to lower the level of risk and the level of
Straight deductible Straight deductible in an insurance contract by which the insured must pay a certain number of dollars of loss before the insurer is required
High-deductible health plan (HDHP) High-deductible health plan (HDHP) is a consumer-directed health plan that consists of major medical health insurance with a high deductible
Calendar-year deductible Calendar-year deductible is an amount payable by an insured during a calendar year before a group or individual health insurance policy
Aggregate deductible Deductible in some property and health insurance contracts in which all covered losses during a year are added together and the insurer
Reductionism In science generally reductionism is the attempt to explain phenomena at a given level in terms of phenomena at a more fundamental level. In psychology
Hypothetico-deductive method Hypothetico-deductive method is the accepted method of conducting scientific investigations, first formulated by Galileo in the seventeenth
Voluntary Reduction in Pay Plan Voluntary Reduction in Pay Plan is an alternative to layoffs in which all employees agree to reductions in pay to keep everyone working.
Drive reduction Drive reduction is the weakening of a drive in an animal or human, usually as a result of the appropriate needs being satisfied.