Green Noise Green Noise is a term that refers to a specific type of auditory experience. It's not about the sound of rustling leaves ...
Green Tech Green tech is designed to reduce the human ecological impact and fight against climate change.
Covenant of Seisin Covenant of Seisin is a clause that guarantees or verifies the owner’s possession of the property they are transferring. This clause ensures that there will be...
Testamentary Testamentary refers to something that has to do with a will or testament. It is frequently used to indicate.....
Indemnification Agreement Indemnification Agreement can safeguard you from the liabilities resulting from the contractual group's carelessness or violation of the agreement. A stay-safe deal, also known as...
Teenie In trade, Teenie is a unit of measurement equal to one-sixteenth of a percentage point. One-hundredth of a percent is referred to as a basis point.
Personal Representative Personal Representative is a person or entity appointed to handle the assets of a person who has died. They are agents for the property's recipients and must operate...
Convenience Fee When a buyer makes an online payment, a vendor or provider charges a Convenience Fee. This fee is advantageous to the merchant...
Calendar Spread Calendar Spread is an option or future market method in which two functions are placed at the same time, namely long term and short term.
Principal Curtailment The practice of allocating cash to lower the current due principal amount of the first new mortgage is known as Principal Curtailment.