Capital Funding Capital Funding is the monetary resources provided to the business that can assist in building their operating capital. A company can use this funding to support initiatives and investments...
Funding agency Funding agency is a financial institution that provides for the accumulation or administration of the contributions that will be used
Funding instrument Funding instrument is an insurance contract or trust agreement that states the terms under which the funding agency will accumulate, administer, and disburse
Advance funding Advance funding refers pension-funding method in which the employer systematically and periodically sets aside funds prior to the
Advance refunding Advance refunding is in the context of municipal bonds, refers to the sale of new bonds (the refunding issue) before the first call date of old bonds (the issue to be refunded). The refunding issue usually specifies a rate lower than the issue to be refunded, and the proceeds are invested, usually in government
Self-funding or self-insurance Self-funding/self-insurance is a benefit plan whereby the employer assumes all the risk, paying out for claims but saving the cost of any associated premiums.
Follow-on funding Follow-on funding means the additional funding for a firm following the initial investment made by investors.
Equity Financing/ Funding Equity financing (or funding) is a most common alternative for raising money that means exchanging partial ownership in a firm, usually in the form of stock, for funding.
Why Most New Ventures Need Funding There are three reasons that most entrepreneurial ventures need to raise money during the early part of their life: cash flow challenges, capital investments...